Questions of time and space

Jason O'Hara
2 min readAug 5, 2021

Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis were masked up characters, pence, biden, harris, no reason to think any of them are real people, the Russian disinfo is just another form of war and we know what war is and always has been, even before it was globalized it is that, instinctually, the individual knows what war is and can only be programmed to forget… There must be some dark cabal moving the pieces and it comes out of the reality of the history of savagery, warfare, and the realities of racism mixed in with the chaotic nature of the development of “intelligent” life, the chaos of existence, and some realities involving cataclysms perhaps 10–12,000 year magnetic pole shift cycles which at some point in the history of our world a “civilization” or a “society” survived either through alien intervention or by accident. Did they have to go to the moon to survive? Did the pyramids and tunnel systems offer protection? Were those built through synchronicity like the early predecessors to the homosapiens, happening all over the world separately through the likeness of nature, the variations of the primate which embodies the creatures and lifestyle and cultures of those primates (you are what you eat do and think)?

The question I’m wondering aloud is… When did this cabal civilization develop? What distinguished them technologically? Did they spread the knowledge of cataclysmic events and ways to survive them? Or did all the humanoid creatures develop this forethought through observations of the stars and the “word of god” as a form of instinctual development unlike anything we have observed in nature, knowledge aquisition, the scientific method of observation, prediction, proof, and the mapping of the skies to navigate the earth and the cycles of chaos, harmony, order, and literal navigation.

If the ancestors of humanity knew the location of the great supervolcanoes and monitored the skies for meteoric activity and understood the impact massive rocks could have on their landscape given geological or mountainous or ocean proximities and how to survive etc… Perhaps all the temples and tunnels that could serve as cataclysmic bunkers for various events from endless enveloping floods to volcanoes that block out the sun for decades or more to meteoric and arctic cycles of disharmony and chaos and earth’s natural resets of large multicellular creatures …. Or are the mysteries even more concealed or perhaps even lost and the truth is involves extraterrestrial intervention, moon landings thousands of years ago, or even a break away humanoid species that has replicated our origin world and we have simultaneously fulfilled and failed the destiny of man by creating a spaceship planet that does not require orbit or a sun….

Just a private rant posted publicly because I know that these questions are pretonatural as is the “civilization” we now inhabit, yet they are entirely natural and beyond redundancy randomness or conspiracy minded.

